
My office is located at 1234 Broadway in Somerville, approximately a 12 minute walk from the Davis Square T stop. The office is also accessible by the 87 and 89 buses. There is free two hour parking on Broadway, and additional spots on Holland Ave.

Please enter the door on the left marked 1234 with the access code I provided, and take a seat. I’ll come out and grab you at your appointment time.


I am currently not accepting new clients, and do not keep a waitlist. This page will be updated with a phone number when I resume scheduling.
I provide free 20 minute phone consultations to review your concerns, my approach and any questions you may have. I make an effort to return calls within 24 hours Monday through Friday. If you have not heard back from me within that time frame please feel free to call again; unfortunately voicemail is not foolproof.

My Office

1234 Broadway Ave
Somerville MA 02144